Quality care from qualified experts.
Gryd Consulting

Early-stage Company Packages

Early-stage ABA companies are establishing core operations. They focus on setting up clinical protocols, securing state and insurance payor relationships, and acquiring essential resources. These companies are building their infrastructure, hiring staff, and integrating tools to deliver effective behavioral interventions while navigating the startup phase.

Package 1: Introduction to QA: 

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Package 2: Initial Treatment Plan / Reassessment Reports:

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Package 3: Session Note Templates:

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Package 9: Platform Training Guide

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Package 11: Introduction to ABA:

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Package 12: Client Intake Forms

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Package 13: Provider Intake Forms

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Package 14: Structuring ABA Operations:

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Package 15: Agency Handbooks

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ABA Startup Package

Feeling overwhelmed with the process of starting your own ABA company? Let us help! The ABA Company Startup Package provides you with all the necessary support and resources to navigate these challenges successfully.

This Package Includes:

  • Step-by-Step Guide: Detailed instructions for starting an ABA company.
  • Training: Training for your first BCBA hire on navigating your data and billing platform and adhering to clinical protocols.
  • Guidance: Assistance in selecting the appropriate states and insurance payers.
  • Consultation: A 2-hour Zoom session.
  • Vendor Resources: Information on third-party vendors, including medical billers, electronic platforms, healthcare attorneys, and CRM platforms.
  • Industry Recommendations: Insights and recommendations based on experiences from other clients.

Geared towards:

  • ABA Business Owners/ Operators with rudimentary knowledge of the industry can benefit from this package
Recommended For:
  • Early-Stage Companies

Package 1: Introduction to QA: 

This package covers the fundamentals of quality assurance, focusing on key components of documentation review. Clinical staff will be trained in how insurance views medical necessity and how to request services and adhere to the components of determining medical necessity. 

This Package Includes:

  • Introduction to QA Training  
  • QA Guide- Introduction to QA Reference Tool 
  • Medical Necessity Training  
  • QA Guide- Medical Necessity Reference Tool 
  • 3 Hours of Training

Geared towards:

  • Clinical Directors
  • Lead BCBAs
  • QA Staff
  • Operational staff may benefit from participating in the initial training segment.
Recommended For:
  • Early Stage Companies
  • QA-Ready Companies

Package 2: Initial Treatment Plan / Reassessment Reports :

This package includes all necessary templates for treatment plan reports required for initial and ongoing ABA services (detailed below). These templates align with insurance standards, adhering to specifications outlined in clinical guidelines. The package also includes additional templates to support ABA service requests. These templates will be integrated directly into your electronic platform and can be accessed as Word documents. We provide completed samples of each template as references. 

This Package Includes:

  • Initial Treatment Plan Template
  • Concurrent Treatment Plan/Reassessment Report Template
  • School Services Request Form 
  • Single Case Agreement (SCA) Rationale Template
  • Mid-Authorization Increase/Change Template
  • FAST Behavior Assessment Form 
  • QABF Behavior Assessment Form 
  • Discharge Report Template 
  • Samples of Completed Templates 

Geared towards:

  • All level employees can benefit from this package
Recommended For:
  • Early Stage Companies

Package 3: Session Note Templates:

This package includes comprehensive templates for session notes to justify rendered services as per insurance standards. These templates include many automated and preselected options, enabling providers to complete each note quickly and easily. These templates will be directly integrated into your electronic platform and can be accessed as Word documents. This package also includes session note templates for service codes that are not used often (available upon request). 

This Package Includes:

  • 97151- Assessment Note 
  • 97153- Direct Care Note  
  • 97154- Social Skills Group Note 
  • 97155- Protocol Modification Note and/or Supervision Note  
  • 97156- Parent Training Note 
  • H0032/97151- Treatment Planning Note 
  • Coordination of Care Note and/or Log 
  • Incident Report 
  • Sample Session Note of Each Service Type 

Geared towards:

  • All level employees can benefit from this package
Recommended For:
  • Early Stage Companies

Package 9: Platform Training Guide

This package includes easy-to-use training manuals for organizations using Central Reach and Rethink, providing comprehensive support for staff by addressing the main operations necessary for each clinical role.

This training enables both technicians and BCBAs to navigate both platforms easily. QA staff will be able to implement all the review systems immediately, having learned about the key features of Central Reach and Rethink, allowing them to incorporate QA systems seamlessly. Additionally, staff will be able to document rendered services independently without any additional training on either platform.

This Package Includes

  • Navigating Central Reach for Technician 
  • Navigating Central Reach for BCBA 
  • Setting up a Learning Tree for BCBA 
  • Navigating Central Reach for QA Employee 

Documents for the following key Central Reach Functions are available as part of the full package, or separately for an additional fee:

  • How to Create a Learning Tree on Central Reach 
  • How to Create an Amended Note on Central Reach 
  • How to Create Automatic Mastery on Central Reach 
  • How to Complete a Discharge Report on Central Reach 

 Geared towards:

  • All level employees can benefit from this package 

Recommended For:

  • Early Stage Companies
  • QA-Ready Companies
  • Established Companies

Package 11: Introduction to ABA: 

This package offers straightforward reference materials on applied behavior analysis, helping all stakeholders understand ABA services and be fully invested in the client’s care. It is ideal for companies lacking in-house resources to develop educational materials. The package includes introductory slides for both technicians and parents/caregivers, along with a clear, detailed list of ABA procedures accompanied by relevant examples. Package 11B also includes a provider orientation for BCBAs, Technicians and Administrative staff, clarifying their job roles and equipping them to meet their professional expectations.

This Package Includes:


  • What is ABA? Introductory slides for Technicians 
  • What is ABA? Introductory slides for Parents 
  • List of ABA Procedures and Explanations 


  • Provider Orientation – Expectations for BCBAs
  • Technician Orientation – Data and Session Note Expectations
  • Orientation for Administrative Staff


Geared towards:

  • All level employees can benefit from this package. Be sure to have a clinician- level employee to answer questions from the orientations of package 11b. 

Recommended For:

  • Early-Stage Companies

Package 12: Client Intake Forms 

This package includes all forms required for client intake. Organizations that already have a client intake packet will receive an outline of all required documents so that we can compile a customized package based on the needs.

This Package Includes:

  • Complete packet of client intake forms or custom package with specific documents  

Geared towards:

  • All level employees can benefit from this package.

Recommended For:

  • Early Stage Companies

Package 13: Provider Intake Forms 

This package includes all the components providers need to begin servicing clients. Organizations with an existing provider intake packet will receive an outline of all required documents, alongside a customized package tailored to their needs. Additionally, we offer administrative staff intake forms to ensure your entire team is equipped and prepared for efficient operations.

This Package Includes:

  • Complete packet of BCBA, Technician, and Administrative Staff intake forms, or a custom package with specific documents tailored to your needs.

Geared towards:

  • All level employees can benefit from this package.

Recommended For:

  • Early Stage Companies

Package 14: Structuring ABA Operations: 

This package streamlines organizational processes by ensuring all company functions are incorporated into job descriptions, while also providing targeted interview questions. This is particularly important for companies in their early stages, but established companies will also find this package beneficial. Clearly established roles and focused interview questions make it easier to hire and assign staff, delegate responsibilities, and ensure that both direct service and office staff are fully aware of their role expectations and know whom to approach for assistance. Having an effective and well-prepared staff is key to delivering quality ABA services.

Operational Roles:  

  • COO/Director of Operations  
  • Director of Technology 
  • Billing Department Manager or Member 
  • CFO or Fiscal Department Member 
  • HR/Recruitment Staff
  • Sales 

Clinical Operations: 

  • Director of Clinical Operations  
  • Assessments Manager
  • Client Liaison 
  • QA Director and Staff 

Clinical Roles:  

  • Clinical Director  
  • Lead BCBA/ Supervisor 
  • Clinical Consultant  
  • BCBA 
  • BCBA Student 
  • RBT/Technician 

Geared towards:

  • All level employees can benefit from this package

Recommended For:

  • Early Stage Companies

Package 15: Agency Handbooks 

This package assists in developing policies and procedures that not only comply with regulatory requirements but are also practical for implementation. This facilitates smooth operations within your company while ensuring compliance with federal and state laws, insurance guidelines, and the BACB (Behavior Analytic Certification Board) standards. Clearly communicating these guidelines at the start of services helps clients, their families, and staff understand the nature of ABA services, the required documentation, and how your agency ensures effective care.

Customize your package by choosing from the following handbooks: 

  • Client Handbook 
  • Provider Handbooks
    • RBT Handbook
    • BCBA Handbook
  • Agency Handbook

Geared towards:

  • All level employees can benefit from this package

Recommended For:

  • Early Stage Companies
  • Established Companies

Custom Documentation and Consultation: 

In addition to our standard offerings, we provide Custom Consultations and Custom Documentation tailored to your specific needs.

Custom Consultations offer expert guidance across a broad spectrum of general inquiries within the ABA quality assurance industry. This service allows you to address various questions, seek advice on specific protocols, and optimize the standards of your organization.

Custom Documentation involves creating unique documents not included in our standard consulting packages, specifically designed to meet your clinical or operational requirements while adhering to QA insurance compliance.

Geared towards:

  • All level employees can benefit from this package.

Recommended For:

  • Early Stage Companies
  • QA-Ready Companies
  • Established Companies
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