Let's optimize your workflow together
Gryd Consulting

The Process of Initiating Services

  1. Review Packages and Services
    • Select a Package: Choose from our comprehensive list of packages based on the stage your company is in- whether it’s Early Stage, QA-Ready, or Established. You also have the option to customize a package for a more tailored experience to meet your specific needs.
  2. Complete Intake Form
    • Personalize Your Services: Complete the intake form to provide details about your company’s needs. This step is essential to ensure that our services are tailored specifically to your requirements.
  3. Sign Consulting Agreement
    • Formalize the Agreement: Once you submit the intake form, you will receive a consulting agreement to sign. This step allows us to proceed with scheduling your consultation or starting services if a consultation is not required. If you have selected a package, a deposit payment will be requested at this stage.
  4. Schedule Initial Consultation (Optional)
    • Refine and Adjust: If you’re unsure about which package best suits your needs, we will schedule a consultation to discuss and refine the services. If you’ve already chosen your package, this step can be skipped.
  5. Finalize Packages
    • Confirm Services: After the consultation (if applicable), we will send a summary for review. Upon confirmation, an invoice for the deposit will be issued, officially starting our services. For custom packages, pricing may be calculated per project or meeting.
  6. Begin Consulting Services
    • Service Delivery: Once the package is confirmed and payment is received, our team will begin delivering the agreed-upon consulting services. If additional services are added or timelines shift, we will provide an updated schedule.
Gryd Consulting

The Process of Ongoing Services/Membership

  1. Onboarding and Service Delivery
    • Start of Services: Services begin according to the selected package, with ongoing support, consultations, and updates provided based on the consultation selection terms.
  2. Scheduling Trainings
    • Training Sessions: Virtual training sessions are scheduled a week in advance, with the option to reschedule with 24 hours’ notice. Recordings are available upon request.
  3. Receiving and Reviewing Package Materials
    • Review Process: The company reviews the documents and tasks received. Necessary adjustments are made, though completed package changes may incur additional fees.
  4. Additional Correspondence
    • Supplementary Services: Phone meetings, training sessions, or email consultations beyond the preselected package will be charged in 15-minute increments. Custom consultations are also available upon request.
  5. Membership Selection
    • Initial Inquiry & Consultation: The company reaches out to discuss available QA membership options. We conduct a needs assessment and explain the different membership options, including details on discontinuation and reinstatement policies.
    • Agreement & Payment: After selecting the appropriate membership, the company signs the agreement and submits the first payment. If there is no communication for two months, the membership will be discontinued, and reinstated memberships will be given lower priority.
  6. Payment for Consulting Services
    • Packages: Fees are provided during intake, and a deposit (50%) is required to begin. The remaining balance is due within 15 days of package completion.
    • Customized Packages: Custom services are priced based on individual needs. A deposit may be required, with payments applied to a monthly or separate invoice.
    • Membership Services: Membership fees are charged monthly, with payment due by the 15th. Cancellations can only occur at the end of the month.
    • Additional Services: Services outside of the package are charged at $300/hour, billed in 15-minute increments. Meetings must be scheduled in advance and require 24-hour cancellation notice.
    • Payment Instructions: Monthly invoices are issued for services rendered, with payment due by the 15th. Payment methods: Debit Card, Credit Card, Bank Transfer, PayPal, Venmo.
Gryd Consulting

The Process of Discontinuing/Reinstating Services

  1. Continuous Consulting Services
    • Ongoing Support: Gryd provides continuous consulting services to address your questions and needs. These services are available for a set monthly fee or on an hourly basis.
  2. Discontinuing Services
    • Service Pausing: You may discontinue services at any time. For memberships, cancellation can only occur at the end of the month; mid-month cancellations are not permitted. After completing a package, you can also choose to discontinue further services.
  3. Receiving Reinstating Services 
    • Priority & Reinstatement: If you wish to reinstate services after discontinuation, Gryd will prioritize active clients first. While we will do our best to accommodate your needs, immediate availability cannot be guaranteed. A lack of correspondence for two months will be interpreted as discontinuation of services unless otherwise communicated.
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